I’ve been playing around with the idea of pairing some poetry with my fuller articles. This is the first of its kind. For a fuller piece on these thoughts, check out this article I wrote for Gospel-Centered Discipleship.


Mar 12, 2019Daily Faith

Snow carpets the earth beneath my feet
As I trample overhead I think of what lies below.
Is it still there?

Months ago I dug my hands into that cool dirt.
The small bulbs shook my hand with a promise
Not now, but soon.

But I want to see the purples, yellows, and whites.
I dream of stalks that reach to the sky,
For petals of beauty.

Instead the harsh winter chills the ground
And thawing snows gives way to mud.
The pledge feels gone.

Yet hidden in this dirt sits life.
Slowly it pushes aside what doesn’t belong,
Slowly it grows-

Out towards neighboring soil for nourishment,
Deeper into the anchor that holds it firm-
Always with purpose.

One day I’ll catch a glimpse of its green.
I’ll see a tiny shoot and hope will remind me-
Not now, but soon.

For now I await the promise that was made
And remember that colors won’t ever come
‘til they move the mud.

The promise is firm, but ever patient.
So I fasten myself to the hope of soon
But even now, too

Yes- even now the Spirit moves and gives life.


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