Mom Truths: Part 2

Jul 5, 2017Humor, Parenting0 comments

We have a new round of Mom Truths today on the blog. (You’ll find part one here) Maybe you can find something to relate, or at least just laugh at my own. Enjoy!

  1. These days when I watch episodes of Home Improvement, I find myself relating far too well to the parents instead of the kids. It’s terrifying. I feel it may be the same with Family Matters and Boy Meets World, but I’m just not ready to go there yet.
  2. Until children, I never thought I’d have to say things like, “Stop crying, clearly you are not a pretzel, don’t listen to your brother.”
  3. Sometimes after we put our littlest to bed, I army crawl along the floor past our oldest’ room so they don’t see me. Do I look silly? Maybe. Do I avoid another round of “Repeating-the-same-words-for-fifteen-minutes-until-they-think-of-another-question”? Yes. Yes I do. 😉
  4. Whenever I have deep thoughts in my head they always seem to be narrated by Meg Ryan reading her emails in You’ve Got Mail.
  5. Occasionally I’ve exclaimed, “Is daddy home?!” well before it was time just to see the kids run to the window and distract them from whatever crisis we were currently having.
  6. Last year we had coupons for 104 number one meals at Chick-Fil-A… I’m not even tired of it. What kind of addictive seasoning do they put in this food?!!?
  7. Anytime I go into Target I immediately start to believe my entire wardrobe and all my furnishings need updated immediately. I try to stay away from Target.
  8. Until my children, I never knew one could cry wails of anguish because said child wanted to tell their sibling “I love you.”
  9. Sometimes I get annoyed over my children’s fits about the color of their plate or their fork… Then I remember how my heart sinks if David takes the dark blue towel and I’m stuck with the light blue one.  Maybe things don’t change much.
  10. I will never correct my son that it’s pajamas and not, “juh-mam-uhs” DON’T tell him!
Over a year later, and the truths keep coming! 🙂 The crazy mom truths of diapers and bottles are giving way to sibling fights and stubborn attitudes. The time goes by so fast, and sometimes it’s hard to let go. It’s easy to reminisce on how much easier it was when they weren’t all walking, when they didn’t argue with me, when they didn’t argue with each other, etc. etc.  Though, I’m reminded of a verse in Ecclesiastes:
“Say not, ‘Why were the former days better than these?’ For it is not from wisdom that you ask this.”  Ecc. 7:10
Maybe these ten points are just for fun, but as the crazy days go on-  my hope is to be thankful for the wisdom each phase brings, the ways I am being grown, and of course- the many laughs along the way. 😉

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