Favorite Books of 2022

Dec 31, 2022Daily Faith0 comments

I’m squeaking in with a quick post of some of my favorite reads this year. I know you can find these lists everywhere, so I’m only going to highlight a few.

Favorite Non-fiction Christian:

Rembrandt is in the Wind by Russ Ramsey

I loved this book. It was beautifully written, interesting, and convicting at the same time. Russ takes you through the lives of several artists throughout history, teaches you about their art, and draws out some beautiful Biblical truths in the process.

Runner up: You are Not Your Own by O. Alan Noble (Honestly, both are phenomenal)

Favorite novel:

Everything Sad is Untrue by Daniel Nayeri

This was a phenomenal read. It’s an autobiographical novel, but I’m going to count it as my fiction read nonetheless. This book follows the story of the author as a young middle school immigrant. The beautiful writing weaves in stories from his family life and school life. This book paints one of the greatest literary representations of Christianity in the process.

I understand that there are a lot of unfortunate books filling our kids’ libraries these days, but this book reminded me that there are Christians writing art that speak beautiful truths to the kids of today. Nayeri talks about the need for God’s love and wrath and discusses the hope of Jesus in the midst of suffering. This book with all that content went on to win multiple secular awards, and it was prominently displayed at my own public library and others across the country.

Yes there is much to lament, but God’s word, his hope, and his goodness is out there, being shared and embraced.

Runner up: The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep (ok this is a more truer fiction and it was so.much. fun!)

Favorite Kids’ Fiction:

I love to read books with my children, and I love sharing when I find a good one. We’ve covered a lot this year, and honestly I’m having trouble remembering them all right now, but I’ll say:
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate Dicamillo

This was the story of a selfish toy rabbit who gets separated from his owner. I just love reading Kate’s books, and this one left me in tears.

Runner up: We’re currently almost done with 101 Dalmatians, and we are enjoying it! I never read the novel, and it’s surprisingly quite funny.

I’d love to know your favorites! Comment or email me if you want to- I always welcome new recommendations. Books are such a gift to us, and I regularly thank God for the beauty, the lessons, and the wonder of words.

Have a wonderful New Year!


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